How Did I Miss This?

Krzysztof Soszynski’s nickname is “The Polish Experiment”. Seriously, how didn’t I make fun of this by now? Maybe it’s because I blame him for turning The Ultimate Fighter 8 into a Punk’d knockoff. Or, it could be how he acted like he was better than everyone else than got schooled by Vinny. Or, it might even be because I’m lazy and hate trying to spell his name correctly.

Anyways, “The Polish Experiment” is an early contender for 2009 Worst Nickname. It sounds like something the Nazis did in World War II.

9 Responses to “How Did I Miss This?”

  1. chappyd Says:

    the robot is on the same card.

  2. chappyd Says:

    the robot is on the same card.

  3. chappyd Says:

    the robot is on the same card.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    Yeah, what’s his name was a knob. And pranks are gay, especially when they involve gizz and sushi.

  5. Anonymous Says:

    Yeah, what’s his name was a knob. And pranks are gay, especially when they involve gizz and sushi.

  6. Anonymous Says:

    Yeah, what’s his name was a knob. And pranks are gay, especially when they involve gizz and sushi.

  7. Chris Says:

    He’s still going to rip apart brian stan if ston doesn’t change his game at all.

  8. Chris Says:

    He’s still going to rip apart brian stan if ston doesn’t change his game at all.

  9. Chris Says:

    He’s still going to rip apart brian stan if ston doesn’t change his game at all.

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